05 March 2024
These videos contain selected highlights from a webinar series hosted by the Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drugs Branch (MHAODB) during November 2020. The aim the series is to stimulate reflection on practice improvement in the challenging area of comorbidity impacting on consumers/clients.
MHAODB Webinar I: Comorbidity: the nature and size of the problem: Presenter - Professor John McGrath (Psychiatrist - Queensland Centre for Mental Health Research, University of Queensland).
This video contains highlights from a webinar presented on 12/11/2020. In this webinar, Professor McGrath presents findings from his comprehensive research, using the Danish population case registry of mental health, investigating the co-morbidity of mental health disorders, including substance use disorders and other medical conditions.
Presenters: Professor Brett Emerson - Executive Director, Metro North Mental Health – speaking about embedding physical health assessment and interventions into routine care. Dr Jeremy Hayllar - Clinical Director – Addiction Medicine Specialist, Metro North Alcohol and Drug Service discussing treatment and management of co-occurring Hepatitis C. Dr Nicole Korman – Staff Specialist, Psychiatrist – Metro South Addiction and Mental Health Service providing practical information on how to bring a focus on diet and physical activity when working with consumers.
This webinar was hosted by the MHAODB on 17/11/2020.
Presenters include: Professor James Scott – Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, Head of Mental Health, QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute discussing the developmental perspectives on comorbidity and opportunities for improving health outcomes. Sally Plever - Manager, Mental Health Clinical Collaborative providing an overview on smoking cessation initiatives within public mental health services.
The webinar was hosted by the MHAODB on 24/11/2020.
Gerard Moloney – Manager Gambling Services and Clinical Support, Lives Lived Well providing an outline of research and prevalence on co-occurring mental health and alcohol and other drug issues with problem gambling. Dr Shalandran Padayachee – Addiction Psychiatrist, Metro South Addiction and Mental Health Service discussing the implementation and operation of the Addiction and Mental Health Short Stay Inpatient Unit within Metro South.
The webinar was hosted by the MHAODB on 24/11/2020.