An Introduction to young people and drugs This online induction module by Dovetail is a great introductory starting point if you have just started your placement in a youth AOD organisation. It is designed to give workers, services and communities who engage with young people an overview of the Youth Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) field.
The National Drug Strategy The National Drug Strategy was implemented initially in the 1980s and has continued since this time. The National Drug Strategy outlines the key drug and alcohol policy for national and state which…
QLD AOD Treatment Service Delivery Framework In 2015 a number of key alcohol and other drug (AOD) services came together to create a AOD treatment service delivery framework. This is being updated currently; but it is a great document to read…
Alcohol and Drug Foundation (ADF) For a number of awesome resources check out the Alcohol and Drug Foundation website. In particular we would recommend their Drug Facts: a simple go-to for any drug you want to learn more about.
“Check” Brief Intervention tools Insight has developed a range of resources to support workers in doing a brief intervention in relation to a specific substance. They are great for students or newer workers to the sector as they…
Queensland Network of Alcohol and Other Drugs (QNADA) QNADA is the peak body for alcohol and other drug practice in Queensland. They produce a range of different resources and facilitate professional development.
Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council (QAIHC) The Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council (QAIHC) is a leadership and policy organisation. They were established in 1990 and are the peak organisation representing all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Controlled Health Organisations (ATSICCHO) in Queensland at both a state and national level.
YSAS Youth AOD Toolbox This resource was developed to provide youth workers in the alcohol and other drugs (AOD) field with reliable, current and evidence-based information and resources. YSAS is a key youth AOD organisation based in Melbourne and produce a number of useful resources for workers.
Adis Adis (formerly known as the Alcohol and Drug Information Service) provide 24/7 support for people with alcohol and other drug concerns, their loved ones and health professionals.