MODULE NAME: | Change talk |
MODULE CODE: | L2.2 - 2/4 |
LEARNING LEVEL: | Level 2 - Core AOD Skills |
TARGET AUDIENCE: | All AOD and Mental Health and SEWB Workers. |
MODULE AIM: | This module is the second in a 4-part series of eLearning modules focusing on motivational interviewing (MI). It provides a basic understanding of skills involved to elicit change talk and describe ways that we can increase the amount of change talk coming from our clients. It will provide examples of change talk and an introduction to how psycholinguistics has been used to categorise the different types of change talk. |
LEARNING OUTCOMES: | By the end of this module, learners will be able to:
LENGTH: | 30 minutes |
CPD: | Participation in this activity may contribute to CPD. A Statement of Completion will be issued on completion of this module. |
REFERENCE LIST: | The full reference list for this module is available on request. |
LAST UPDATED: | November 2023 |