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Dr Llew Mills

Australia's embrace of prescribed medicinal cannabis: Findings from the Cannabis as Medicine surveys

by Insight

  • Date & time

    Wed. 14 May 2025
    10:00 am – 11:00 am
    AEST (QLD time)

  • Location


When medical cannabis was legalised in 2016 Australians were initially slow to embrace it, preferring illicitly sourced cannabis. In the last three years that has all changed, with enormous growth in numbers who are getting their cannabis prescribed. Since 2016 the biennial Cannabis As Medicine surveys have measured the experiences of Australian Medical Cannabis Users. We will discuss the ramifications of the growth in medical cannabis prescriptions, both positive and negative. 

Dr Llew Mills is drug and alcohol researcher with the University of Sydney Medical School, working at the Langton Centre, a drug and alcohol treatment and research centre in Surry Hills. He was also recently appointed as statistical consultant for the Drug and Alcohol Clinical Research Improvement Network (DACRIN). 

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