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Dr Cheneal Puljević

GHB (gamma hydroxybutyrate) and its use as a recreational substance

by Insight

This will be a presentation providing an overview of the recreational drug known as GHB. It will explore what are the demographics of the people using it, the effects of GHB and how it achieves them and the potential risks associated with its use.

Cheneal is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Health Services Research and the School of Public Health at the University of Queensland. She holds a Doctor of Philosophy from Griffith University and a Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hon), from the University of Cape Town. Cheneal has specific interests in justice health, public health, substance use and harm reduction. She is involved in a number of research projects related to substance use, including the Queensland evaluation of the Tackling Alcohol-Fuelled Violence Policy (QUANTEM), several projects using data from the Global Drug Survey, and the CARP smoking cessation trial.