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Meg Schneck

One size (doesn’t) fit all: Exploring ways to support people who use substances to build and strengthen self-regulation skills

by Insight

Substances are often used to change the way a person feels; to calm, alert or alter body arousal states. Self-regulation challenges are often a presenting concern for those accessing AOD and mental health services. This presentation will share some creative and practical resources that were developed through the Logan Alcohol and Drug Service to support skill building in the areas of self-regulation, emotional intelligence and using sensory strategies.  

Meg is an Occupational Therapist who has worked with parents/carers and young people who use substances with the Logan Alcohol and Drug Service. Meg is currently the Team Leader with Communify’s Safe Space Support Service.  

Links to the resources mentioned in this webinar can be accessed below. Some further notes around using these resources can be found below the resource links. 

Body Zones Pocket Tool Template

Body Zones Ladder

  • If you are forwarding the resource to other members of your teams, please include a link to this webinar and/or webinar slides to provide some context around the purpose and intended use of the tool. Having some basic knowledge of self-regulation will help in using the resources effectively with clients. 
  • A reminder that the idea of the "just right" body zone can shift up or down the ladder depending on the task demands (e.g. sleep = lower energy vs. play = higher energy). Slides 20 - 33 of the presentation may be helpful to revisit if you want a refresher on this. 
  • If you make the laminated version of the pocket tool - remember to round the edges of the laminated cards (as they can be pretty sharp!). An example of the assembled pocket tool can be found on slide 34 of the Insight presentation.