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Dr Victoria Manning

Neuro Cognitive Training and its use in the Swipe App

by Insight

The talk will provide an overview of the brain-training used in SWiPE ("approach-avoidance training") and will present the findings of a feasibility, acceptability and preliminary effectiveness study conducted with over 1300 Australians who wanted to reduce harmful or hazardous alcohol use. Future research priorities and broader applications of smartphone-delivered brain-training will also be discussed.

Victoria Manning is an Associate Professor in Addictions at Monash University and Head of Research and Workforce Development, Turning Point. She is a research psychologist and has worked in addiction treatment services for over 20 years in the UK, Asia and Australia. Her primary research interests are trialling novel interventions to improve outcomes for people with substance use disorders, including neuroscience-informed interventions, psychological and pharmacological treatments and mutual aid. She has published over 130 papers and has written multiple treatment guidelines. Dr Manning oversees and lectures on the Masters of Addictive Behaviours course at Monash. She is a board member of VAADA, the peak body for AOD in Victoria and a SMART Recovery facilitator.