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AOD Harm Reduction - Mt Isa

by Insight

4 ticket(s) remaining.
3 ticket(s) remaining.
  • Date & time
    Tue. 25 Mar 2025
    9:00 am - 4:30 pm
  • location
    Mount Isa Neighbourhood Centre, 72 Marian Street, Pioneer, QLD, 4825

Target audience: This workshop is recommended for Queensland based health or community service workers who may see individuals using alcohol and other drugs. 
Workshop description: This informative one-day workshop focuses on equipping participants with practical strategies, resources, and techniques to conduct effective harm reduction conversations with clients. Whether you are new to harm reduction or looking to update your skills, this workshop will provide valuable insights and practical tools.
What you can expect on the day:

  • Overview of harm reduction principles and person-centred approaches and their importance in providing effective substance use support.
  • Techniques and strategies for providing tailored harm reduction conversations. 
  • Opportunity for hands on exposure to a range of equipment and harm reduction materials associated with drug use and simulated illicit drugs.
  • Specific harm reduction practices for different substances and routes of administration.
    Introduction to a range of job aids and case studies to develop practical understanding and application of skills.
  • Customising harm reduction information to suit diverse client characteristics and needs.
  • Options for accessing up-to-date harm reduction resources.
  • Opportunity to participate in skills-based scenarios as both a service user and service provider

Key benefits:

  • Interactive learning: Hands-on exercises, skills-based scenarios, and group discussions to facilitate practical learning and application.
  • Expert facilitators: Guidance from experienced professionals in harm reduction and substance use treatments.
  • Resource Toolkit: Comprehensive range of materials including ham reduction job aids and practical guides for ongoing reference. 
  • Opportunity to network amongst a range of other service providers looking to incorporate Harm Reduction practices in their work with AOD

Important: To receive a Certificate of Completion for this workshop, participants will need to attend for the full duration of the training. Please ensure your availability prior to registering.